Acadiana's FULLY VIRTUAL Center for Personal Change and Development
Fears and Phobias
Relax and Enjoy the Ride of Life
Whether you suffer from Generalized Anxiety or a specific fear or phobia (heights, water, snakes, insects, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, elevators, public speaking, flying, clowns, sexual encounters, test-taking, performance issues, deadlines, storms, traffic jams, certain dates, etc), hypnosis can help.
Hypnosis Training Can Help You Reduce or Even Eliminate:
Panic Sensations while driving, in crowds,or at any time.
The Inability to Function in Stressful Situations
Distressing Physical Symptoms
Paralyzing Mental Images
Obsessive Thoughts
Restless Nights
Embarrassment, Guilt and Shame
We understand how debilitating anxiety and phobias can be, both emotionally and physically, and we can help you take control of your life again.
Most people experience amazing results in just 1-2 sessions, and you can, too!
Call us today for detailson developing a customized hypnosis program designed to meet and beat your personal fears.
Three sessions for $350
Individual sessions for established clients: $117